Organ Donation Week 2024

30 years of changing and saving lives

The NHS Organ Donor Register is 30 years old! It's more important than ever to make a decision about the gift of life. It's the best thing you'll do today!

NHS branded graphic which says "30 years of the NHS Organ Donor Register"

What is Organ Donation Week?

Organ Donation Week is a weeklong campaign that takes place every year, raising awareness about the ongoing need for organ donors.

Why we're campaigning

More than 7600 people are in need of an organ transplant, including over 250 children. 

Each year around 1400 people donate, but despite these remarkable people the waiting list continues to rise.

30 years of the NHS Organ Donor Register

It takes just 2 minutes to register your decision to become an organ donor, and you could save up to 9 lives.

30 years of the act of kindness

To celebrate Organ Donation Week, buildings and landmarks all across the UK are lighting up pink.

We've had an excellent turnout so far with over 100 buildings and landmarks supporting us. Check our map below, if there is one near you take a selfie with it and share on social! Remember to tag us '@nhsorgandonor'.

Buildings and landmarks going pink for Organ Donation Week

About organ donation

You can find out more about organ donation below.